A Foreign World - Episode 4.5

Just so you know, I was about to rickroll all of you but decided against that. You can thank me later. At one point, it was coded in. This means that if you click on the discord icon in-game and don't end up at my discord channel, then I forgot to change the link back. Sorry...

But can you imagine? You just bought an AdultVisualNovel (AVN), you think it's pretty cool and want to check out the Discord, then BAM! Rick Rolled. 

I mean, you'll never be able to feel safe again.

For those who lived under a rock and aren't well-versed in internet memes. Here is an explanation.

Ah, sorry. And this is the real explanation :D

Anyway, there isn't much to say other than that I added some new story and an icon that directs you to my Discord. 

I hope everyone came well into the new year. Go ahead and enjoy the new update!

A Foreign World - Episode 4.5

+ 13.000 words of story
+ 286 renders
+ 19 animations
+ 0:45 hours of playtime

- 94.000 words of story
- 2234 renders
- 50 animations
- 7:30 hours of playtime


AForeignWorld-Episode-4.5-mac.zip 859 MB
Jan 05, 2024
AForeignWorld-Episode-4.5-pc.zip 873 MB
Jan 05, 2024

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